Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sugar Addiction: Suite 101

I just posted an article about sugar addiction on Suite 101. Check out!

Sugar Addiction

I also have a poll (only one question, don't worry) about tapioca inspired by a school project I recently did.
Just go to the Nutrition Section and scroll all the way down. Bonus, if you go there you will see a picture of me with my hair down. I have very curly hair. So, doesn't that alone make it worth it to visit my Suite 101 section?
The picture here is to remind you to try stevia in you coffee this week. Try it with a dash of cinnamon, it really is quite good, you'll see!

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Crabby McSlacker said...

I know I'm a spoilsport, but I've tried stevia and I just can't like it. Tastes too bitter or something.

But it seems like a great alternative for those who don't find it yucky.

Samantha said...

That is too bad. It is good that you tried it though. I know that for some it is yucky.

KaOs said...

I find it bitter as well. I'd rather go without sweetener entirely than have a nasty aftertaste in my mouth for hours. Stevia isn't nearly as bad as artificial sweeteners though.

I find Xylitol the most palatable of the non-sugar alternatives.